Coronavirus pandemic hit the globe making many victims. Amongst the security gestures we have to include in our routines is frequent hand cleansing, soap and water are highly recommended. Unfortunately, we cannot find soap and water around us at any time. So, the solution to prevent contamination or reduce the risk of getting contaminated is the use of hydro-alcoholic gel.

Disclaimer: you always need to consult some professional in chemicals to be sure not to prepare a harmful mixture for your skin. These tips do not replace a professional advice.
This being a fact, in this crisis time production does not meet the market’s demand. Therefore, we provide you in this article the required steps to prepare your own cleansing hydro alcoholic gel.
What are the benefits of hydro-alcoholic gel?
If you have always had hydro-alcoholic gel in your bag, then you are used to using it to eliminate cumulating microbes on your hands. It is very useful when it comes to quickly eliminate the dirt that has been accumulating around your hands. Nonetheless, you should favor soap and water and keep hydro alcoholic gel as a complementary cleansing solution.
To prepare you own homemade hydro alcoholic gel you will need:
- Lavender Essential oil.
- Container
- Aloe vera gel
- 90° Alcohol
- Vegetable oil
In a container mix aloe vera gel with vegetable oil. Then, add alcohol 90 ° and stir. After that, pour lavender essential oil. Mix again and pour the solution into a container.
There you have your homemade hydro alcoholic gel.