Aphids do not spare vegetables, plants or flowers. They often invite themselves without notice. If you want to eliminate the uninvited aphids in your garden and elsewhere, continue scrolling down.

Aphids sward quickly with rain and sunlight. They can invade and devastate your garden in few hours, but rest assured, we give in this article some tips to make homemade sprays to fight aphids.
The following tips are natural.
You need to act quickly against aphids, otherwise they will ruin your garden and vegetables. For this, you may prepare the following natural sprays.
Garlic spray
Garlic is known for its health benefits. Well, it is beneficial for your plant’s health also. It is a good aphid repellent. To prepare this natural spray, you will be needing:
Put 100gr of garlic cloves in 4 litres of water and leave it for 24 hours.
The day after, boil the mix during 20 minutes. Pour the mixture in a sprayer and use it when it is not raining.
Onion spray
Slice 100.gr of onion and put them to boil in 8 liters of water during 30 minutes. Do not delute the mixture. Put it as it is in a sprayer.
What is great with this natural spray is that it eliminates plants’ mushrooms also.
Caution: do not preserve this mixture, you must use it at one.
Dandelion spray
This plant is not all bad. It contains anti parasitic benefits too.
Put 400 gr of dandelion in 10 liters of water. Leave it to macerate during 3 hours before you spray it on the plants and vegetables.
Nettles spray
This plant is not the most admired one in the gardening world, although it has huge positive effects.
With your gloves on collect 1Kg of nettle plant. Use stems without the flowers. Then, you leave it to macerate during 24 hours in 10 liters of water.
Pulverize on your plants. This mixture will also protect your garden from mildew.
Get ready to eliminate aphids.