Have you heard of coronavirus? of course you did! It is the virus which managed to contaminate more than seven million people and kill more than four thousand people around the globe, up to now. It is also the virus which ended our relationship with what used to be normal and spontaneous.
Nonetheless, with countries starting to ease confinement restrictions, things have started to go back to normal or to a new form of normal. Here are few tips on how to adapt to this new post-coronavirus normal.
The new “normal way” to greeting people
Who would have imagined that in 2020 you can’t hug or kiss people anymore at a risk of getting contaminated with covid-19. Well, apart from authors of dystopic fiction, no one would have imagined that.
A considerable Part of getting back to ‘normal’ is accepting this new ‘post-corona’ normal way of living. One of the major changes we have to adopt to is the new way to greet people. So, to get back to greeting those we would like to hug or kiss, new ways have seen the day.
Now, you can greet people either by taping your elbows, or tapping your right foot with the person’s left foot while managing to keep security distancing. In addition to these new gestures, you can use the old waving hand gesture.

Hydro-alcoholic gel
Do you remember the time where all you needed to get you going was your phone and keys? well, the new normal involves having a third necessary item in your bag, hydro-alcoholic gel. Cleaning our hands is one of the most important gestures we have to get used to. Be careful not to use much of it, for it dries the skin. So, you should favor the use of soap and water whenever you can.
Do you know how to hang out post confinement?
Even if it is debatable, Confinement was necessary during coronavirus outbreak. Staying inside for too long under the constant infectious threat may have caused a loss of “normal” way of hanging out. Most people were excited and relieved to be able to go out and gave a drink or a meal with friends or family. However, new normal imposes a new way of hanging out. Indeed, social distancing is key to protect others and yourself. instead of staying close to each other, you may hangout while respecting social distancing in bars and restaurants.
Lately, a funny but practicle hat has been created to help people hang out while keeping the necessary distance.
Social distancing hats designed by Dominique Pouzol have been used in a Parisian gallery to make visitors respect distance.
The mask is your new body!
Do you remember the movie the mask with Jim Carrey staring? we wish this mask had the same uncanny power. To get back to “normal” or “the normal post-confinement”, is to adopt mask wearing in shops and transportation. Some countries impose mask wearing when people access the interior of a restaurant or a bar.
Getting back to normal after de-confinement reveals to be quite challenging, for it comes with a new form of normal that involves new gestures and routines. If you make of these new gestures and objects part of your new routine, they will create a new post confinement and, hopefully, post covid-19 normal.