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How to remove stretch marks ?

Many women see these unsightly marks on their bodies, called stretch marks, from adolescence. What are they due to? Why do we have stretch marks? What can we do to avoid them? And how do you get rid of stretch marks?

What are stretch marks ?

Stretch marks are fine scars on the skin. Lack of elasticity in the skin causes them. They are often parallel to each other. The skin is composed of three layers: the epidermis, the dermis and the hypodermis. Within the dermis are the elastin fibers, which are responsible for the skin’s ability to be elastic.

If the fibroblasts, which produce elastin, no longer function properly and no longer produce enough, the skin can be scarred. This is a sign that it is losing its elastic capacity, and this sometimes produces stretch marks. Women are generally more prone to it, because their body is the one that often undergoes the most transformations.

What causes stretch marks ?

There can be several reasons for their appearance. In adolescence, stretch marks can occur and are caused by hormonal changes. Weight gain or pregnancy are also responsible. The skin becomes stretched, the elastin fibers no longer follow and this causes stretch marks.

It ‘s about genetics also. The younger a woman is pregnant, the more likely she is to have stretch marks. Pregnancy, however, remains an important source of the appearance of stretch marks. Indeed, it combines two essential elements: the rise of hormones as well as weight gain.

Stretch marks appear most often on the chest, belly, buttocks, arms, thighs … These are the areas which are most marked by a significant weight gain, and which are more easily distended.

Preventing stretch marks, it is possible

Hydration is the first element to put in place to prevent stretch marks. Moisturizing the skin allows the dermis and the fibers it contains to function better, including elastin fibers.

Applying moisturizers or oils will be effective in preventing or fighting stretch marks. Hydrating the skin must consist of a daily gesture, without forgetting the so-called “risk” areas, in order to nourish the skin in depth.

How to get rid of stretch marks ?

The goal of the treatment is to nourish the skin and hydrate it so that it is more elastic. Nourishing and fatty oils are very effective. Jojoba and sesame oils are nourishing and active ingredients that increase the effectiveness of elastin and the softening of the skin. A daily application of the oil on the marked areas will allow you to remove the stretch marks more quickly.

Preferably apply an anti-stretch mark oil that does not contain essential oils but rather vegetable oils. Make sure you choose an oil made from natural ingredients. If you are pregnant, be careful with the oil you take. Check that it is possible to use the stretch mark treatment while pregnant.

Bi-Oil removes stretch marks

Bi-Oil is an anti-scars treatment ranked first in anti-stretch mark sales. This oil is made from plant extracts, vitamins and a single ingredient, Bi-Oil is said to improve the appearance of scars.

It is not intended to make them disappear completely, but to make them less visible. As an oil, it is applied directly to the scar in circular motions, twice a day for three months or more.