A toned and slim thigh is the dream of many women. Whatever the followed diet, you cannot get a satisfactory result. Sometimes, women do not know what type of exercise is efficient. that is why the Coach Jessica Smith made a program specially designed to slim the thighs in just 1 week!

IMPORTANT: for maximum efficiency, it is recommended to do cardio after each session for 15 to 20 minutes and do not forget to eat a healthy food.
1- Lying frog kick:
Lie on your back, bith legs are going to be out straight. Turn your toes out to the side making a 45 degrees and keep heels touching. Bring your both legs up about 45 degrees. Bring then your knees over you all the way in, keeping the heels together and then kicking out, same positioning. focuse on sqeezing the iner thighs together as you drive through those heels. Repeat this continues motion 15 times.
2- Side to side plies:
Stand up straight and tall, open your legs at shoulders width, your shoulders are back. Do a squat; down and up, go side to side and bring inside your leg up. Go about 30 seconds, it is a good cardiovascular movement.
3- Skater :
Lean forward, keep your back flat and core tight, and you go back and forth. Leap to the right and as you leap bring your left foot behind you and your left arm becomes in front of you. Do the same thing with the other side, leap to the left and bring your right foot behind you and your right arm in front of you. Do this movement for about 30 seconds.
4- Round kick:
Close your fists and place them in front of you like a Boxer. Open the legs to the width of the hips. Lift one leg and move it sideways forward, try to raise it over your waist and put all your weight on your other foot which is still on the ground then put your foot back on the ground. Try to do 10 round kick per leg.
5- Butterfly stretch:
Get down on the floor and bring both your legs and feet together. Sit down properly into your hips. Do not forget to keep your back straight and shoulders back. Then drive your knees down into the floor. Hold this position for 30 seconds and then release and then do it again.
All these exercises are helpful to stretch the inner thighs, slim your legs and you will see the difference since the first week.