Black spots are a nightmare for many of us. They stick around and sometimes leave marks when removed. We have concocted some natural tips to help remove black spots.
Lemon, honey and sugar
You need to use this tip no more than one time per week. pour some honey on half a lemon to cover up the lemon s pulp, add sugar. Then apply it on you black spots.
Vaseline and transparent foil
Use this method after you take a batch, your pores will be open. Apply some Vaseline on black spots, put transparent foil to cover it and a hot towel until there is no more heat. Press the black spots out, they will come off easily.
Coconut oil and essential oils
Add 10 drops of the following essential oils in 1/4 warm coconut oil (put in the microwave for about 10 seconds).
lemon, lavender, tea tree (melaleuca) and mix until a homogeneous paste is obtained. Apply it on a cotton pad and use it as a lotion after washing your face. Store this mixture at room temperature in an airtight container.
Oatmeal flour and cinnamon
Mix a spoonful of oatmeal and the same amount of cinnamon powder. Add warm water and mix well. The consistency of this mixture should resemble a thick cream. With the tip of your fingers, apply this mixture with circular movements; perform this massage for one minute. Then wash your face well with cold water. Cinnamon can be the cause of strange sensations, but it happens after cleaning. Use this technique maximum 2 times a month.
Coffee and coconut oil
Mix 1/2 cup natural (slightly warm) coconut oil with the same amount of coffee grounds. Use some of the mixture immediately to cleanse your skin in circular motions. Leave on for 5 minutes, then rinse your face well. Repeat the operation once a week. Put the rest of this dough in muffin or ice cube molds and keep it in the freezer. So, you will always have this exfoliating mask on hand.
Aloe vera, white clay and essential oils
Mix 2 spoonfuls of white clay with a spoonful of aloe vera gel, a spoonful of distilled water, 2 drops of ylang ylang essential oil and 3 drops of lavender oil. Mix well in a ceramic (or glass) container until a smooth and homogeneous paste is obtained. Apply it with a sponge or a brush on your face and leave on for 10 minutes. Then rinse your face with lukewarm water. To be used twice a month.
Oats, honey, yogurt, olive oil, Oats, honey, yogurt and olive oil
Sugar, honey, olive oil and vanilla extract
Mix 1/4 cup white sugar with the same amount of brown sugar, a spoonful of honey, 1/2 cup olive oil, 1/2 spoonful of vanilla extract or other essential oil. Stir well to obtain an elastic mass and gently exfoliate problem areas. Then cleanse your face with warm water. Use once a week. You can store this mixture at room temperature in an airtight container.