Before we weren’t assuming our white hair. a sign of old age and neglect, the white hair was immediately covered with a color. Now the trend has reversed. Gray hair is a sign of trendiness and trend. Here are some tips and photos to switch to Silver-Hair.

There are several ways to wear Silver-Hair. and assuming white hair doesn’t mean we’re not going to go to the hairdresser, nor are we going to have fun with it.
Indeed, know that Silver-Hair is worn in a lot more than you might think. So, we can wear it to as tie and dye, with black roots and gray tips.
Fashion influencers particularly like tie & dye, gray roots and white tips. On a square, it works very well, or with long hair worn in a ponytail.
For a more classic effect, but no less trendy, fashionistas opt for highlights in white and gray effect. It is quite natural.
Which gray to choose?
Extra long silver highlight, boyfriend jeans, sunglasses … and you are the most stylish person of the current generation.
Before you go for Silver-Hair know that the gray you must have should not be lighter than your skin color. Indeed, the silver coloring in magazines or on the heads of stars, the silver gray trend is not suitable for all natural colors. Indeed, it is more aimed at blonde hair and light brown.
Also, be aware that you can very well opt for a slightly dark gray if you have dark skin. Another advantage is that bleaching will not damage your hair as much and you will have a dreamy gray.
How to do it ?
If you want graying hair, do not go all alone on this mission. To get a gray, the work is quite long. It starts with discoloration until blond-white, in stages, so as not to sensitize the hair.
Then, the coloring is done in the form of a metal gray bath for an ephemeral outfit of about 3 weeks. You will need to renew it once a month to keep it shiny and silver.