Are you familiar with those slight lines and sometimes folding of the skin? yes, wrinkles. They are a mark of aging and loss of skin’s elasticity. Instead of beauty products, today we bring you face exercises that you can include in your daily skin care routine to prevent wrinkles.

All you need to get you started is to include these gestures in your daily routine.

1. Face-building

If up to now you have heard of body-building, you need to know that there is a face building routine too. This facial exercise helps you regain your skin’s elasticity while improving the blood flow. In addition, it will give you skin a younger look while reinforcing your skin’s vitality.

Scroll down for more tips about these facial gestures.

Before you start the following facial routine, you may want to prepare a schedule that goes along the week.

How many times a week for how much time?

To get a result, you need to practise more than two days a week. To get a quick result result, you may want to exercise from 3 to 5 times a week during 20 minutes.

What is the main purpose?

The aim of including such routine in your daily life is:

  • To prevent wrinkles
  • Increase your blood flow
  • Rejuvenate your facial look

Just like classic body exercises, Start warming up your skin face by frowning your eyebrows and smiling. The, put a warm towel and relax.

The “look surprised” exercise

This exercise will help strengthen your face ‘s front muscle. You just need to put your fingers on your forehead, and bring up and down your eyebrows as if you were surprised. Do not wrinkle or crease your forehead’s skin.

Increase you blood circulation

For this to work you need to put three middle fingers under your eyes and pull down gently while closing your eyes. Repeat this gesture for 5 times, holding 8 to 10 seconds for each repetition.

This will prevent the apparition of wrinkles around the eyes.

Go for the O

This exercise is a very simple and sometimes funny to do. It helps reducing the naso-labials wrinkles, which are around the mouth, lips, and nose. You just need to say “O” around 10 times to make it work.

Young caucasian woman portrait with a surprised or bemused happy facial expression, with her mouth forming an “O”.

Make yourself smile

Alright, we, often, hear that a smile can produce a very positive energy for us and around us, guess what? it even helps prevent wrinkles and strengthen your cheekbones. Put you forefingers on each side of your mouth, pull towards your ears and relax the gesture to come back to the initial position.

Whistle at the sky

This is a great reinforcing exercise you can do anywhere. Tilt the head back to look at the ceiling. Then, put our lips together as if you were going t whistle. Repeat the gesture for 10 to 20 seconds.

or, you can slightly tilt your head back, turn it to the right and remain in this position for 10 seconds. Repeat for each side 5 times.

Rubber exercise

Put your hand crossed on the front of your head, pull upwards while forming an “O” with your month. When you look down and pull at the same time you will feel your face stretching. Repeat this for 20 minutes.

While doing these routine exercises make sure that you have warmed up your face and to perform them in a gentle manner.

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